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"Noelle started battling nasty upper respiratory viruses like Croup and RSV when she was just 3 months old. 😮‍💨 Mom said, “It was so tough to watch her struggle to breathe, and I was so nervous every time she would get sick that it would go straight to her respiratory system, and we would end […]"


Noelle started battling nasty upper respiratory viruses like Croup and RSV when she was just 3 months old. 😮‍💨 Mom said, “It was so tough to watch her struggle to breathe, and I was so nervous every time she would get sick that it would go straight to her respiratory system, and we would end up in the hospital 🏥 again.”

At that time, Noelle’s parents felt completely helpless yet determined to find a solution for their little girl. 🤞🏻

Right after Noelle’s first hospital stay for RSV, they began their journey at a PX Doc office. Mom said, right away, she felt this care was going to help Noelle in a big way.  She said, “The difference in care was incredible! 🙏🏻 Being heard and understood as a mom meant the world to us, and it gave us hope that we could overcome these challenges.”

They started her care plan as soon as possible, and they saw immediate results within the first couple of weeks of chiropractic care.  She started kicking the sick 💪🏻 much easier and was getting sick less often. But, Noelle’s battle wasn’t over yet.

After being exposed to mold, Noelle faced another hospital stay for RSV that winter. Though it was scary and felt defeating at the time, mom said their PX Doc’s dedication to getting to the root cause of her struggles helped Noelle completely overcome her respiratory challenges. He uncovered even more underlying issues that were triggering stress responses in her nervous system and adjusted her care plan accordingly. 🥹

Fast forward to today, Noelle is thriving at nearly 7 years old! 🌟 Mom says,  “She’s healthy, happy, and incredibly in tune with her body. No more respiratory issues, and if a little bug 🦠 comes her way, a simple adjustment, some extra TLC, and she’s back to her vibrant self in no time. Chiropractic care has transformed her life, and we’re so grateful!”

Way to go, Noelle! 🙌🏻

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