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"Before finding PWC, Leo’s family was facing significant challenges. He struggled with major sensory issues that made each day unpredictable, and his speech was delayed, which only added to the difficulty. Another big concern for his parents was his eating habits—there were many days when it seemed like he just wouldn’t eat at all. 😞 […]"


Before finding PWC, Leo’s family was facing significant challenges. He struggled with major sensory issues that made each day unpredictable, and his speech was delayed, which only added to the difficulty. Another big concern for his parents was his eating habits—there were many days when it seemed like he just wouldn’t eat at all. 😞

Mom said, “We felt helpless to Leo and knew we needed to find him help. It was a constant worry that he wouldn’t eat and he was behind on his speech. While our pediatrician would tell us that he would grow out of it, we knew that we couldn’t brush it off.”

They tried speech and eating therapy, but it didn’t seem to bring much progress. That’s when they discovered PX Docs. At first, Leo’s mom was a little confused by the results of his scan, but when the doctors took the time to explain everything, it all began to click for her. Leo’s behavior and struggles were clearly reflected in the scans, and they finally felt they were on the right track. 🙌🏻

The turning point came when Leo’s sensory skills started to improve, and he began to try to speak more. 🎉 His meltdowns became less intense, and he seemed less tense throughout the day. While eating is still a work in progress, there has already been a noticeable improvement and he is now eating at least 1-2 times per day. 👏🏼

Today, Mom says that Leo is thriving. He’s working on his ABCs, numbers, and animals, and he’s a happy, active toddler.  Way to go Leo! ❤️

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