As a little one, Cayden went through a rollercoaster of one daunting diagnosis after the other. To say he and his family are brave and resilient is a complete understatement… because even when it felt like the rug was constantly being pulled out beneath them, they never gave up hope. 💙
Eventually, Cayden was diagnosed with Sandhoff’s disease, which is a rare disease that attacks his nervous system.🧠 Some of Cayden’s challenges include seizures, motor control, low tone, and developmental delays.
The medical world pushed for an extreme amount of medications 💊 as the only option for care. But, mom and dad knew in their gut that they had other doctors and professionals on their team to help Cayden live his best life- PWC playing a huge role!
While Cayden’s disease is trying to take his nervous system offline, chiropractic is here to help his nervous system come ONLINE the very best it can 💪🏻 – and get back to healing!! 🙌🏻
Mom says the adjustments help Cayden stay more alert and connected to his environment. And even though Cayden can’t talk, his body language says it all. To see his eyes track better and connect more with people and his surroundings is a really big win for this family.🤗 She says she can also tell it keeps his demeanor more calm and happy.🎉
Another big win!? Consistent care is helping him a lot with his seizures! He’s having less seizure activity, and it has allowed them to wean off some of his seizure meds. Keep up the good work bud, we know you’re working hard! 👏🏻
Mom says, “PWC has been with us every step of the way and we are soooooo grateful that we found them.” Well, Right back atcha, mom!! We are grateful for Cayden, grateful for you, and already grateful for the next big win he has on the way.