Meet The Team
Care Advocate Team
It takes one to know one they say. Well parents, get ready to actually be heard and cared for like never before because each and every member of our Care Advocate Team at PWC are parents too! We get you, because we are you!
No one better understands what challenges parents face and what goals they have for their children like other parents do. That’s why you’ll be blown away by our Care Advocate Team at PWC, and have an experience unlike any other doctor’s office out there!
Nearly every Care Advocate working at PWC today started out as a patient first. Many of them had [Perfect Storm] children who really, really struggled. So when we say our CA Team has been in your shoes and knows what you’re going through, we truly mean it.
Get ready to fall in love with our Care Advocate Team at PWC, and make some room for a few new besties that you’ll get to hang out with each and every week!
Kristina Ebel
Business Manager
Working at PWC Chiropractic is truly one of my favorite things ever. I’m only in the office on Mondays and spend the rest of my hours behind the scenes working from home with my four year old co-worker. Being a part of PWC feels like being a part of a movement. A movement where people empower each other, support each other, root for each other and it’s something we want to share with our whole community! Chiropractic isn’t just a thing to me, it’s a pivotal part of my life and my family’s life.
I feel so grateful to raise my family in the chiropractic world, and to be able to hug other parents in the office whose lives have been changed by chiropractic and they love it just as much as I do! When I’m not spending my time as mom to my four little ones or wifey to my amazing husband, I love any excuse to hit up Hobby Lobby or go on a long quiet run to refresh my brain and body.
Jacqui Jakubowicz
Patient Care Coordinator
I was born in Upstate New York but grew up primarily in Colorado. We played outside, rode bikes everywhere and lived a very natural lifestyle. I visited family here in Illinois during the summers as a teenager and met my now husband right after I moved here. Shortly after that I was injured a car accident and being holistic minded I pursued treatment from a Chiropractor instead of the steroids and pain medication that Western Medicine prescribed. I had excellent results from the care I received from them.
Fast forward to life as a wife and busy mom to 3 incredible boys I first came across our office as a result of our own little “Perfect Storm kiddo” Logan. My son was suffering from a significant Developmental Delay, speech deficits and Sensory Processing issues. We had many components of his recovery plan in place already IEP at school, dietary changes, Speech and Occupational Therapy but despite all that we knew something was missing.
We attended the Perfect Storm event and instantly knew we were in the right place. As a result of care at our office my son has recovered to a degree that I never could have dreamt possible before.
Once we saw how Logan responded to his adjustments our whole family came under care. We have been forever changed. I began working at our office in May of 2016. I jumped at the opportunity to serve our community in this mission! I believe wholeheartedly in what we do, who we are and the incredible gift that we have in Chiropractic to help the body heal itself. Each time I see a patient become happy and relaxed in their own body as a result of being adjusted, I become even more on fire for what we do!
Jen Mohney
Care Advocate
Up until my adult years, I had never been to see a chiropractic. Never even stepped foot in the door of a chiropractic office. I was injured while working out and finally made the plunge in order to avoid surgery on my shoulder. Enter PWC Chiropractic. That’s honestly when my life changed completely. Chiropractic opened a whole new world of wellness for me that I was so excited to learn about. I was happier and healthier and felt the best I ever had. Soon after, I got pregnant with my second kiddo, 13 years after having my first via C-section. The docs at PWC and the community taught me, empowered me and most importantly got my body ready for a V-bac with my son. My delivery was successful and I found trust in chiropractic so strong I wanted to teach and serve the community in the same way that I had been supported.
I’ve been working at PWC for over 5 years now and it’s my dream job. I love being able to give moms and dads the certainty and hope I found through chiropractic. I’ve gone on to have two more amazing boys making us a family of 6. We all get adjusted weekly, my 3 boys since their first day of life. I feel beyond blessed that I injured my shoulder those years ago. If I hadn’t, my family wouldn’t know the power of chiropractic that keeps us healthy, active, and empowered….it’s my goal for every single family in my community and across the globe
Catherine Johnson
Care Advocate
I was born and raised in Crystal Lake and now this is where my husband and I are raising our children. My husband, Chris, and I have been married for 10 years and have been blessed with 4 children. I am passionate about my family, my faith in the Lord, and chiropractic! We first started coming to PWC when our daughter was 4 months old and the pediatrician was concerned with her torticollis and positional plagiocephaly. We initially started coming 3 times a week with her and by the second week we couldn’t believe how she was holding her head up so much straighter and her flat spot was so much better! Shortly after, our oldest son was having chronic ear infections and had struggled with eczema his whole life so we decided to get him under care. He has now been under care for 5 years and hasn’t had one ear infection and his skin has been totally clear!
I first began care after seeing the amazing benefits being under care was having for my children. At this time, my concerns were more stress and emotional than anything physical like my kids had been dealing with. Our second born, a daughter named Kennedy, was stillborn at 38 weeks perfectly healthy a year and a half prior to this time. Dr Tony could see emotionally I was struggling and was dealing with all the normal mom stress on top of it. Getting myself and then eventually my husband to under care has just been such an incredible blessing to not only our physical health but our emotional health as well!
One of the things I am most grateful for is how the team and docs at PWC have made me feel so empowered as a mom! I have learned so much about about our bodies, health and wellness and truly how I feel I can be the best mom and advocate for my kids and their immune systems! PWC has been such an incredible blessing over the years for our family and I’m truly so excited to serve other families in the same way ours has been!
Missy Olsen
Care Advocate
I’m one of the CA’s here at PWC. I found my love for chiropractic when I was 34 weeks pregnant! My husband and I have been married for 6 years and have 2 beautiful children together. I love everything about chiropractic, but especially love helping empower women who are going through the motherhood phase of life – from pregnancy and beyond! Outside of work, I enjoy being active, learning about nutrition, playing with my kiddos and relaxing with my family. I love rap music, comedies and you’ll always find me snacking!
I look forward to sharing your chiropractic journey with you!
Laura Hall
Care Advocate
I was born and raised in the Crystal Lake area. As a teenager, I began working at the Crystal Lake Health Food Store and my love of alternative and holistic health care truly began there. I attended McHenry County College and then transferred to Carthage College where I earned a B.A. in Communications. After that, I decided to pursue a M.A. in Anthropology at Northern Illinois University. I focused my coursework on medical and nutritional anthropology. After graduating, I was offered a job as the education coordinator at a natural history museum. I worked with schools and community groups to create natural and environmental education opportunities for children and families. Although I loved my job, my true passion remained in nutrition, health, and supporting people in their pursuit of those things. For that reason, I have continued to work at the health food store for the past twenty years.
My husband and I were married in 2014 and bought a home in Elgin. As our family began to grow (two cats and two dogs) and we started talking about having a baby, we decided to move to Crystal Lake to be closer to family. Our path to parenthood has not been an easy one and this is where chiropractic care and PWC enter into my story. The birth of our son, Galen, was very traumatic and resulted in an emergency c-section and a two-month NICU stay. We nearly lost our son multiple times and were told we could expect seizures, autism, severe developmental delays and a multitude of other health concerns due to his brain injury. During this time, I reached out to PWC and was met with such immense kindness, empathy, and support. Galen began receiving chiropractic care before even leaving the NICU and we have seen him make such gigantic strides in regaining his health in a very short period of time. He is a happy and healthy little guy and I know we owe so much of that to the chiropractic.
I am honored to join the PWC team! I look forward to learning more about health and wellness from the whole PWC community.
Megan Stafiej
Care Advocate
In 2015, my husband Trace and I had a beautiful baby girl named Harper Jane at just 26 weeks gestation. After 97 days in the NICU Harper was finally discharged from the hospital and we were headed home as a family of three. Just weeks after Harper’s homecoming we knew something was terribly wrong. She was constantly vomiting, arching her back, twisting her arms, and always screaming. Harper was admitted into the hospital for 6 weeks and we still had NO diagnosis or answers. A friend of mine reached out and recommended PWC. The very next day Harper was seen by Dr. Tony. The relief I felt I will never forget, my daughter was finally being cared for. Trace and I were finally being listened to. We knew we were in the right place at PWC!
Harper is now 6 years old with CP & Dystonia but absolutely thriving. I became pregnant in 2019 and had adjustments all throughout my pregnancy with my son Bradley. And at three days old Bradley had his first adjustment. PWC has changed our lives in so many ways. My goal as a Care Advocate is to make every family feel just as welcome as they did us. To especially have open arms and ears to support other special needs families. I’m so happy for be a part of the team and so excited to meet you all!
Sarah Parman
Care Advocate
I was born on the naval base in Virginia and grew up in Woodstock, IL. While working at the Chipotle in Crystal Lake, I met my husband Grant. After we got married, I decided to try something new and got my pharmacy technician license. I worked for a couple local pharmacies then I transitioned to working billing for a long-term care pharmacy.
I had my first son, Levi, in 2016. Around 3 months old, he developed a flat spot on his head and would only turn his head in one direction. Our pediatrician at the time recommended that we get him fit for a helmet. My mom gut told me that would only fix part of the problem. As I did some research looking into pediatric chiropractors, I found PWC. We saw great improvements in Levi and eventually Grant and I started under care as well.
In 2020, we brought Owen to PWC the day after we brought him home from the hospital. I have noticed a huge difference in our family health and overall wellness when we get adjusted regularly.
I am honored to be a part of the PWC team and looking forward to getting to know our PWC tribe.
Crystal Villalobos
Care Advocate
I’m one of the CA’S who you are likely to meet on your first visit while I perform your scans. I’m also the mother of a special needs kiddo. I was completely lost at the beginning of our journey. As a special needs parent there’s so much to navigate and so many resources out there. I’m here for all of our PWC tribe in every way. I look forward to learning all about you and your family. My hope is to be the light and guide for your family that PWC has always been for ours.
Ewelina Dalka
Care Advocate
My name is Ewelina (pronounced Eh-Vuh-Lee-Nuh), and I’m still pinching myself that I get to work here at PWC with the most incredible team. It’s something I’m grateful for every day. My parents and I moved to Chicago from Poland when I was 4 years old! I’ve been married to my wonderful husband for a little over 4 years now; we have two beautiful girls, Addison (we call her Adi) and Mya! They are my everything! I never pictured myself as a girl mom, and now I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You’ll find me taking millions of pictures of them, trying to get them to match while they still let me, and capturing videos of all of our adventures!
When Mya was born, she didn’t open her eyes. My mom gut told me something was wrong. She was diagnosed with BPES (Blepharophimosis Ptosis Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome), and she has a long road ahead of her with multiple surgeries in her future, but if you know Mya, you know she is the happiest girl ever, always smiling and waving! I’m so grateful to have such strong girls! Chiropractic has been such a blessing to our entire family. My girls were getting sick nonstop for weeks, with different infections every week; Adi struggled with anxiety, sleeping, and the list goes on… I knew we needed chiropractic care, and now the whole family comes in to get adjusted regularly! I cannot wait to continue to get to know you all! I’m here to make sure you all know we see you, we hear you, we’re here for you!
I can’t wait to give back the love, the support, the encouragement that everyone at PWC showed me when I first became a patient. Now, I’m grateful to be on the other side and be able to give that to all of you! I thank God every day for giving me this opportunity.
Traci Miller
Care Advocate
My family moved to Crystal Lake when I was 5, and after a few brief absences, I knew this was the place I wanted to call home. I had never even thought of seeing a chiropractor until I made some provider changes in 2021. My children’s new pediatrician recommended chiropractic for my youngest daughter’s torticollis.
We got in right away and met Dr. Tony. During our initial conversation, he mentioned how having an optimal functioning nervous system helps with speech delays and a whole bunch of other things I never knew. What he didn’t know is I had a 2-year-old son at home who went nonverbal at 18 months and had a bunch of other delays as well. As a mom, I felt so lost and hopeless. I brought my son in a week later and got him started on a restoration plan. True miracles happened for our family. He began talking and holding eye contact, he began hugging me and connecting with his siblings. Chiropractic completely changed my life! It is truly by the grace of God that I was lead to PWC and I will forever be grateful to the Docs and CAs who helped me along one of the toughest journeys of my life and brought light to the end of a dark tunnel for my family.
I have been with my husband Bob since 2011, and we have 5 amazing children together. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom in 2015, I worked in a number of daycares and preschools, and I specialize in Infant and Toddler Care and Special Needs children. It has helped me a lot on my new journey as a Scanning Tech CA at PWC. I truly believe that God led me to PWC to help families that may feel hopeless and lost like we did. I can’t wait to meet your families and join you on your own journey in chiropractic care!
Lila Acosta
Care Advocate
Hola! My name is Lila, and my loving husband and I have three amazing kiddos and live in Crystal Lake. I started my holistic journey in 2020 and I am on fire with changing the trajectory of my family’s health. I am an advocate for mommas and littles who need guidance with resetting their nervous system. Finding PWC was a game changer for my family and I am beyond blessed the Lord opened the door for me to join this team!
Julie Furman
Care Advocate
I was born and raised in Michigan and went to college at Indiana Wesleyan University for Photography. During a family move to a south side suburb of Chicago I decided to change my path and pursue a Cosmetology license. Fast forward about 7 years when I met my husband, Adam on Christian Mingle! He grew up in this area, so marriage brought me north to the Crystal Lake area!
In looking for a new job, I knew I wanted to be in a field that helps people and changes lives. At an early age of 12, I got my first migraine, and for 10 years of suffering through them, I finally listened to a friend and tried chiropractic and acupuncture which changed my life getting rid of my migraines completely! This led me to look in the field of chiropractic care. I was privileged to be hired here at PWC and now getting to work alongside these amazing doctors and team has been such a life changer! They constantly inspire me to be the healthiest and best version of myself and are always there to guide and teach me on this rollercoaster of a ride I call motherhood! I have learned to find to find my voice throughout pregnancy, childbirth and now raising my 2 awesome kiddos, Noah (5) & Kaylie (2). I have learned just how important and valuable chiropractic care is for my family and I hope to be that positive and and loving encouragement on each and every person that walks through these doors, just as they have done for me!
To get in touch with one of our Care Advocates, click the button to request an appointment and learn how we care for you and your family!